Fire Safety2024-08-30T01:17:33+00:00

August 29, 2024

Fire Danger is EXTREME
Current Status: LEVEL 0

(No Emergency)

The Black Butte Ranch Emergency Plan will be enacted when fire officials declare the Ranch to be in a LEVEL 1 situation. At that time, emergency info will be available on this page, the BBR Mobile APP, Channel 3 Digital Signage, Social Media, email updates, etc.


Know evacuation levels and follow advice of emergency officials | READY SET GO FLYER


Level 1 BE READY

Level 2 GET SET

    • Significant Danger in the Area– Prepare to leave
    • Conditions can change rapidly – this may be the only notice you receive
    • Time to act – follow your Emergency Plan
    • Relocate to a safe place and let loved ones know you are safe

Level 3 GO!

    • Danger is Imminent
    • Leave without delay, it is unsafe to stay
    • Do not gather belongings or make efforts to protect the home
    • Emergency services may not be able to assist you if you stay
    • In the event of evacuation, BBR Police will place signs on evacuation routes

Emergency Levels


8/29/24   There is a fire south of Highway 20, east of Hoodoo.  Incident 722 | Claypool Fire

You can find updates on the Central Oregon Fire X/Twitter feed and at Watch Duty.


Sign up for Deschutes County Emergency Text Alerts. You will be among the first to know the latest emergency updates and evacuation notifications. Be sure to use your Black Butte Ranch street address, (not Lot Number) and include local and cell phone numbers.

 1. Black Butte Ranch Text Alerts

Text 888777 and type in BBRALERTS to opt into a messaging program about BBR from Deschutes County 911.

BBRALERTS will push out information regarding emergencies in our area, focused primarily on wildfire information. Please opt into this important communication resource. and tell everyone who is coming onto the Ranch to set this up.

2.  Central Oregon Text Alerts

Text 888777 with the message:  cofire to receive emergency alerts that impact Central Oregon.

Central Oregon Emergency Information Network Text Alerts. (CEOIN)


Download the app to your smartphone today. The BBR Mobile App has all the information you’ll need to know while you’re here.

Features include:

  • What to: Do Current Activities and the Activity Guide | Resort Map under Things to Do tab
  • How to Get There: Map & Wayfinding with Google | Ping your location – get directions to homes & outlets | Found under the Directions tab
  • Weather & Webcam
  • Emergency Information
  • Download free here:  Apple | Android

Learn more >>

CENTRAL ELECTRIC COOP | Public Safety Power Shutoffs

ODF | Fire Precaution Order


Change due to extremely dry conditions and significant local fire activity

Central Oregon – Due to continued hot weather, extremely dry vegetation and significant local fire activity, the Deschutes National Forest, Ochoco National Forest and Crooked River National Grassland, and Prineville District Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will move to Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) IV “General Shutdown” on Thursday, July 25.

Effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, July 25, all industrial operations are prohibited on public lands. Industrial Fire Precaution Levels (IFPL) are based on current and expected fire conditions. Fire precaution levels begin with Level I at the start of fire season and can increase to Level IV as the fire danger increases. It is the responsibility of the individual operating on public land to know the precaution level for the day and to take the correct fire precautions.

Find more information about the Industrial Fire Precaution Level system here. Information on the IFPL or current restrictions can be obtained by contacting the Central Oregon Fire Use Information Line at 1-800-523-4737.

As a reminder, all Central Oregon public lands are in Stage 2 public use fire restrictions which prohibit open fires, including wood stoves and charcoal briquette fires on all Central Oregon public lands including developed campgrounds and Wilderness areas.

Possessing, discharging or using any kind of firework or other pyrotechnic devise or using an explosive is always prohibited on National Forest System lands in Central Oregon and currently prohibited on BLM-administered lands in Central Oregon.

The fire danger rating is currently EXTREME. The Fire Danger Rating System lets recreational users and visitors to public lands know to increase their level of caution while in the forests or rangelands. Under EXTREME conditions, fires of all types start quickly and burn intensely. All fires are potentially serious and can spread very quickly with intense burning.

Information on current restrictions or the current Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) can be obtained by contacting your Central Oregon Fire Use Information Line at 1-800-523-4737.

Visit the official source for wildfire information in Central Oregon at for wildfire updates or follow fire information on X/Twitter @CentralORfire. Call 9-1-1 to report a wildfire.

Always Prohibited at the Ranch

  • NO FIREWORKS ALLOWED at any time
  • NO Briquettes or Wood BBQs
  • Extinguish Cigarettes properly and completely
  • Open Burning is prohibited
  • No Chainsaws, etc.


Personal Emergency Plan

A family plan for emergencies should always be in place.

  • Choose a  location on the Ranch to meet if you become separated during your stay.
  • Know the name and # of a family friend or relative to call and check in with if you become separated
  • Know your BBR street address, lot #, phone #
  • Know your family’s cell phone numbers. Keep phones charged and with you at all times. Keep a charger handy
  • Place records, checkbooks, wallets, electronics, passports, addresses and important papers in a container where they can be easily retrieved
  • Take a photo/video of things left behind
  • Put vital medications in a portable case
  • Gather pets and their necessities, including a photo of them
  • Pack clothing and toiletries

Emergency Home Preparation

If time permits, the BBR Fire Department recommends taking these steps to secure a home for evacuation:

  • Tape a list to the door with a copy of the Just in Case Emergency Plan  and the  name and phone # where you can be reached
  • Tie a white towel to the front door to show you have left
  • Close and lock doors and windows. Close interior doors
  • Move drapes and flammable furniture away from windows. Close metal/non-fabric blinds, leave screens on
  • To minimize smoke infiltration, close/cover exterior attic or eave vents with plywood, metal, wet towels or blankets
  • Shut gas off at meter.  Turn off pilot lights
  • Leave the electricity on
  • Connect hoses to all outside spigots
  • Place a sprinkler on your roof, but do not turn it on until the fire’s arrival is imminent
  • Leave vehicles in the garage facing out, windows closed, unlocked, keys in the ignition. Make sure you have a full tank of gas
  • Have the car packed with necessities, and irreplaceable items. (Photos, albums, diaries, coin or stamp collections, paintings) so that you know ahead of time what you will take as you leave. (Replaceable items that are covered by fire insurance are not normally on a priority list.)
  • Close the garage windows and the main door and leave the garage door unlocked.  Evacuate  in a timely manner when advised to
  • Tell a family friend or relative you are leaving and where you are going.  Check in with the Red Cross Safe and Well program when you are safe.

What If?

In the event of an emergency, and the Ranch is classified as a LEVEL 1, the Black Butte Ranch Emergency Plan will go into effect.  During an emergency, we make every effort to communicate with BBR property owners. Your well being and our surrounding communities are important to us. Our priority is our homeowner, guest and employee safety, and will be monitoring the situation and in constant contact with authorities.

We will update communications via these channels as the situation changes.

  1. WEBSITE:  This Emergency Updates webpage will be the primary conduit for Ranch information. (Click the Emergency Updates link at the bottom of each BBR webpage for easy access.) This page will include links to official sources of information.
  2. EMAIL: Subscribe to the View from the Ranch email list for owners, for important news bulletins that are sent as needed to BBR owners.
  3. VOICE MESSAGE  Emergency phone message line 541.595.1502 (Levels 2+)
  4. CHANNEL 3:  Bend Broadband Cable Channel 3 (on Ranch only) will provide info sources | The same info will be available on the displays at the outlets.
  5. PHONE: Welcome Center (General Information) 541.595.1252

Should an evacuation become necessary, our BBR Police and Fire departments will work in conjunction with the Deschutes Co. Sheriff’s department, Search and Rescue and other agencies to assist.

You should also sign up for the Deschutes County Emergency Alert System

The 5 P’S of Evacuation

(Courtesy of Nationwide Insurance)

  1. People and Pets (And other livestock too)
  2. Papers (Important documents)
  3. Prescriptions (Medications, eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.)
  4. Pictures (Irreplaceable memories)
  5.  Personal Computer, Phone, other electronics

Central Oregon

State of Oregon

Large Fires


Red Cross

  • The Red Cross opens shelters as needed  | Red Cross Cascades Region  Individuals and families affected by the wildfire and in need of shelter assistance are encouraged to simply show up at the shelter for help.
  • The Red Cross partners with the Pet Evacuation Team of Central Oregon to provide accommodations for evacuated pets. A representative from the Pet Evacuation Team will be on-site at the Red Cross shelter to answer questions and assist people coming to the shelter.
  • Large animals are usually sheltered at the Deschutes County Fairground in Redmond.
  • Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Information…


Air Quality

In an emergency, dial 9-1-1

Black Butte Ranch Police Department

13885 Bishops Cap near East Meadow Gate
Non – emergency dispatch 541-693-6911
Office 541-595-2191
Officer on Duty DIRECT 541-668-4058


Black Butte Ranch Rural Fire Protection District

13511 Hawksbeard and Bishop’s Cap
Non – emergency dispatch 541-693-6911
EMT’s and First Aid Room 541-595-2288



Current Conditions

What’s it like at the Ranch?

The Web Cam at Black Butte Ranch looks southwest towards North Sister and Black Crater near the Lodge. Located in the heart of the Central Oregon Cascades.  The web cam sits at an elevation of 3,339 feet.  This image refreshes every 20 minutes. To view the latest image, hit Refresh. (CTL F5)

Central Oregon Air Quality 

This graph below displays the air quality at Black Butte Ranch for the past 24 hours.   The sensor is located at the General Store.  To check on air quality in the surrounding Central Oregon area, click on the map above.

Central Oregon Air Quality Map

Watch this video for tips and precautions to keep you and your family safe when it’s smoky outside:
How to make an air filter with a fan
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