2022 Spirit of Christmas/The Giving Tree Holiday Gift Drive
Black Butte Ranch Police Department will once again partner with Sisters Camp-Sherman Fire Department to assist families in need this holiday season.
Gifts are available to children ages newborn to seniors in high school of low-income families who live within the Sisters or Black Butte School Districts. Applications for the program are available to be picked up now at the following locations: Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District, Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank, Furry Friends and the FAN office in Sisters. Applications are due by Friday, December 2 at 5 p.m. in order to receive a gift. Please get your applications in early, so your request can be filled.
To donate to the Spirit of Christmas Program, please collect a tag with items requested by the families at one of our “Spirit of Christmas Giving Trees,” purchase a new gift listed on the tag, deliver the unwrapped gifts with the tag to the Black Butte Ranch Police Department as soon as possible, and by no later than December 12.
Spirit of Christmas trees are located at Sisters Ray’s Food Place, Sisters Bi-Mart, Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire Station, Black Butte Ranch Post Office and Black Butte Ranch Police Department.
Tags will be available to collect from all locations beginning Saturday, November 26. Black Butte Ranch PD will also be collecting cash donations to fulfill requests for unclaimed tags, which means that no qualifying child will be left without a gift.